Why can't we figure out the reason for dreams?
The main reason for our lack of understanding of dreams is mostly reliant on the fact that we do not have the necessary tools to investigate and research dreams. Scientists have still barely started to understand our consciousness and unconsciousness and it will still be a long time before we discover the true reason we dream. Until then scientists can only make informed guesses. This is where the theories are shown before and the theories not mentioned come from.
As more is known about why we dream we will find out whether or not dreams can be deciphered. Either we will get closer to finding meanings or we will learn that meanings do not and will never exist. Only time will tell which theory is correct.
Bonus information about sleep
While researching dreams it was guaranteed that I would learn a bit about sleep along the way. Here's some information I've learnt.
Sleep is similar to dreams in the fact that scientists still don't know exactly why we sleep but scientists are getting closer to working out how it works every day.
There are four stages of sleep. The stage in which dreams occur is referred to as REM sleep.
In our nightly sleep, we spend around two hours dreaming.